Prémio Magisterium atribuido ao compositor João Pedro Oliveira
A Universidade de Aveiro tem o prazer de informar que o prémio instituído pelo Concours International de Musique et d’Art Sonore Electroacoustique de Bourges (França), foi atribuído em 2008 ao compositor
Entre a vintena de compositores a quem foi atribuído este prémio podemos encontrar nomes tais como Bernard Parmegiani, Jean-Claude Risset, Wlodzimierz Kotonski e Francis Dhomont. |
“…the prestigious Magisterium Award at the Bourges international electro-acoustic music competition in France
- the largest prize in the world for electronic music. The award is open to composers having at least 25 years of professional experience in the field, and its objective is 'the promotion and diffusion of works that might become milestones in the history of electroacoustic music”.
The Arts Council UK
“…the highly coveted Magisterium prize from the International Electroacoustic Music Competition in Bourges, France…”.
Digital Arts and Culture in Canada
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